MediaTouch makes Moodle accesible worldwide

Category: Blog

With the announcement of the new 3.11 release, Moodle introduces the partnership with Brickfield Education Labs to implement accessibility on the platform. An important milestone, that is part of the long path taken by Moodle to make its systems and contents reachable by everyone. However, only a few know that this journey towards accessibility was possible thanks to MediaTouch.

Today is the Global Accessibility Awareness Day so, let’s find out how MediaTouch makes Moodle accessible worldwide.

MediaTouch makes Moodle accesible worldwide

The Stanca Law

In 2004, the Stanca Law was promulgated in Italy to facilitate the access of disabled to IT tools. This also included LMS and dedicated online learning platforms. Moodle was no exception, therefore it needed to adapt to this new standard.

MediaTouch trait d’union for accessibility

In 2006 some MediaTouch main customers expressed the desire and the need to adapt their Moodle platforms to the new accessibility criteria. MediaTouch therefore made an innovative proposal: investing in updating the platform’s accessibility worldwide. Thanks to the coordination of MediaTouch, the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Formez, La Sapienza University, CNIPA (current AGID) decided to invest in this project. But the implementation has had not only a national implication, which would have made the adaptation unsustainable over time, but a global one!

MediaTouch makes Moodle accesible worlwide

Moodle’s accessibility journey has then begun, becoming reachable for all students worldwide. A path that has developed over time and which has then followed national and international regulatory developments up to current release (3.11). This important milestone was achieved thanks to the open mind of MediaTouch and the collaboration of its customers, who believed in an important project. An Italian drop that has proved to be fundamental for the ocean of the world.