Moodle 3.5: GDPR and much more

Category: News

The new 3.5 Moodle version is coming starting from May 2018. Moodle 3.5 will have different new feautures but the main one is definitely the native support for the new European privacy regulation, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Besides, Moodle 3.5 will be a LTS version (Long Term Support), a version supported for a much longer period compared to other versions and that will be then considered a better solution for medium-long projects.

The main aspects of the GDPR support are the new API that will be used not ony by a code “core” of Moodle but by all the others developed plugin, starting from the ones available by the public domain. This is a significant step that requires competence and knowledge as it will represent a watershed between the developments of components made following the best practices and the developments of components that have instead been made in an inappropriate way.

Moodle 3.5 will bring tagging features for questions, something that is very useful for random type of questions, a better user experiece with the introduction of Bootstrap v4, the strenghten of messaging backend and the shift of the MobileApp to framework Ionic 3.

Do you need to migrate and to better organize your installation? Contact us and we will be glad to help you.