The crucial role of remote learning today and tomorrow: interview with Martin Dougiamas, founder and CEO of Moodle

Category: Blog, Featured

Martin Dougiamas, founder and CEO of Moodle, explains the crucial role that remote learning and Learning Management Systems have had and keep having for schools, universities, institutions and companies in a world where is necessary to maintain a high learning level.

“Unfortunately for many schools and universities that have thought of their online learning, this has been a huge change. They took a leap in the dark. Their first instinct was to replicate a classroom, so videoconferencing seemed like the ideal solution. But then many people realized that this was not enough, that it is not possible to manage the learning of hundreds, thousands but even only twenty students purely on video. More tools are needed to manage homework, assessments and teaching activities… There are so many elements needed to create a great learning experience. This is what I have seen in the last year”

Watch the full interview: